Monday 25 January 2010

New home

No, not me, but Myndi - she has a great new blog home. It looks great, but there are two things I took a minute or two to figure out, so I thought I'd share them in case you're as slow as I am - if you want to leave a comment (or read existing comments), you need to click on the title of the blog post you want to comment on. And then to get back to the home page, just click on the blog name in the banner at the top. All very simple and straightforward - great job, Myndi!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! And sorry about the confusion. In all honesty, I selected an existing theme, and though I've done a few things to personalize, it isn't my design. As the proprietor, it took me a moment to figure out that I had to click on the specific post to see the comments (outside of the dashboard, of course). Had I designed it, I would have the comment count bubble link back to the actual comments, add a Post a Comment link, and a Home linkback. Something to work on. :)
